Our Beloved Session by Belinda Louann Photography | Las Vegas, Nevada
At the beginning of March Scott and I traveled to Las Vegas for WPPI. While we were there we had an amazing session with Belinda and Tony of Belinda Louann Photography. We knew we wanted to shoot in nature so Belinda and Tony picked an awesome spot where they like to hike and actually go engaged at! With all the classes we were signed up for we decided to do a sunrise session. Talk about a tough 4am wake up call. Once we got out to the there we were really glad we could make the session happen. We had so much fun with Belinda and Tony and it was great to experience being on the other side of the camera. By the time our flight was scheduled for that night, we were exhausted to the point of delusional…but when we saw the photos we were elated and it was all worth it. Thank you Belinda and Tony!